Vice Chancellor

About Joseph Adeola Fuwape

Professor Joseph Adeola Fuwape served as the seventh substantive Vice-Chancellor, Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria, from May 2017 to May 2022, he also served as Vice Chancellor of Salem University, Lokoja between 2012-2016.

Prior to his appointment as Vice-Chancellor, Professor Joseph Adeola Fuwape had worked in the university system for 30 years. He started his university teaching and research career at the department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Ibadan in 1982 but later secured appointment as lecturer ii at the Federal University of Technology Akure in 1984 and rose to the rank of a professor on october 1st 1996.

At the Federal University of Technology Akure (Futa), Professor Fuwape served as Head of Forestry and Wood Technology Department for seven years, Dean School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology for four years and member of the University’s Governing Council for eight years. He served as the pioneer Director of Quality Assurance Unit, FUTA from 2010 to 2012.

Prof. Fuwape obtained his first degree in Forestry in 1979 from University of Ibadan (UI). He bagged his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Wood Products Engineering in 1982 and 1984 respectively from the same institution.